Category: “Adopted dogs”

Stanley & Oly have been adopted!

We have good news to share-Stanley & Oly have been adopted by a wonderful family with a long history of providing homes for Old English Sheepdogs. Stanley & Oly are settling in with the rest of their new pack and we look forward to sharing updates soon.

Rescue works!

Sophie found a pal and a forever home!

Sophie found a pal and a forever home!

Our recent sweet lady rescue, Sophie, is on her way to her new forever home thanks to the generous hearts of previous adopters (see Chepa). It looks to be a match made in heaven, one we look forward to hearing about for years to come!

Duff update

Duff update

With sadness we’ve learned that Duff has passed over the Rainbow Bridge. His adopted family expresses their gratitude for the help we provided when he needed a new forever home.

Our hearts are with you.